336 pages, Ecco
since fighting my way through Yann Martel's “Life of Pi” I've made a concerted effort to avoid
reading anything nominated for the Booker prize. I have no doubt that this has
meant I have missed out on some fantastic reads in the past decade but I've
grown increasingly weary of hyperbole surrounding such books and I tend to give
them a wide berth. This isn't to say that I am averse to good literature... it
is more that I prefer to make my own mind up rather than being told I should
enjoy a book simply because a panel of judges feel it is noteworthy.
it was announced that my reading group would be tackling Patrick DeWitt's Man
Booker prize shortlisted novel “The Sisters Brothers”, my heart sank a little.
I decided to give it a go because I'm a fan of the Western genre (for reasons
utterly beyond me)... that and the fact that I didn't want to look a twat at
our next meeting. Funnily enough, most of the lovely folks in my reading group
felt completely the opposite. They would actively seek out a shortlisted novel
but would ordinarily shy away from a Western. Hey ho, variety is the spice of
life and all that.
prizes and played out genres aside, “The Sisters Brothers” is a great book.
Written with both humour and intelligence, the novel manages to be thoroughly
entertaining without pandering to the expectations of its readers. There is
enough gun-play and bloodshed to satisfy the action-junkies but those with more
cerebral tastes will find DeWitt's witty characterisation and use of narrative
red herrings equally pleasing.
novel follows the misadventures of the Sisters brothers, notorious assassins
and squabbling siblings. Charlie, the older brother, is a cold-blooded killer
whose total lack of regard for other people borders on sociopathic. His younger
brother Eli, the novel's narrator, is a more sensitive soul who is prone to
questioning their bloody, violent life. As much as Eli finds his career choice
distasteful, his dedication to his brother means that he is obliged to carry on
killing. When the brothers are tasked with killing a prospector called Hermann
Kermit Warm, they find themselves on a journey across Gold Rush California in
search of their elusive prey. Of course, things don't go smoothly for them and
very soon, the sensitive Eli finds himself questioning the purpose of their task.
novel is, at its heart, a traditional Western. He clearly understands and
appreciates the genre and ensures that he hits all the key notes in the course
of the story. Heavy drinking, quick-draw duels, saloon brawls... DeWitt doesn't
skimp on the traditional clichés of the Wild West. However, they are filtered
through a wonderfully knowing, ironic lens that helps the book to feel fresh
and exciting even when walking a well-worn path. Heavy drinking leads to
crippling hangovers that leave the brothers dry-retching in the saddle. The
brothers engage in plenty of gun battles but they don't play by the rules,
drawing early and even shooting their opponents in the back. As with so many Westerns, it is a men's world
and women are sidelined to minor supporting characters. DeWitt goes with this
cliché but towards the end of the novel he subjects the brothers to a
humiliating beating at the hands of a group of angry prostitutes, Indeed,
DeWitt's playful take on the traditional Western novel subverts all
expectations whilst managing to remain within the boundaries of the genre. We
fully expect the brothers to renounce their violent ways at the end of the
story and to look to a more positive future on the right side of the law. What
we don't expect is the way in which DeWitt engineers a situation that achieves
this without having to resort to an unrealistic shift in the characters' moral
standards (or lack of them).
“The Sisters Brothers” is a violent book.
There is a high body count and those of a more sensitive nature might find the
rather blasé approach to death a little bit crass. Once again, this is the
author playing with the genre, working within it whilst simultaneously mocking
its flaws. Violence and cruelty are commonplace in Western novels so DeWitt ups
the ante with judicious use of dark black humour. When Eli's horse is mauled by
a bear, he pays a stablehand five dollars to “take care” of the horse's wounded
eye. What follows is a grotesque amateur eye-gouging operation followed by the
drawn-out death of the poor creature. It shouldn't make us laugh nor should the
confused response of Eli make him seem endearing... but it does. Just as we
laughed with revulsion when John Travolta accidentally blew Marvin's head off
in “Pulp Fiction”, so too we chuckle at the poor horse as it walks round in
circles before suffering the undignified death of stumbling off a cliff.
Sisters Brothers” is a fantastic picaresque Western novel. Like all great
parodies, it is respectful of the genre it is poking fun at and is also able to
make us think while we are laughing out loud. Most impressive of all is the way
in which DeWitt makes us care about the central characters even though we are
in no doubt that they are truly horrible people. In a genre which is built on
clichés and one-dimensional characterisation, DeWitt has crafted a genuine
piece of literature. Yeee-hah, indeed.
L.M. Proops
The more I think about it, the more I realize how much I loved this book.